Ram ram!

Everyone needs a bit of sweetness in their life, so we are here to tell you to take a deep breath, get yourself a cup of tea, a spoonful of sugar (chini), and relax.

About Us

We are Maeve and Kart, an international couple, once living in two completely different countries, who survived a long distance relationship of 7,000 miles for two years. Now we live together in India writing about all there is to know about travel, long distance and multicultural relationships.

Our Story

We met in 2021 as penpals (kind of like the movie You’ve Got Mail). We wrote the longest letters to each other. A perfect blend of Indian and American culture, we learned and grew together online as a long distance couple. We beat all the odds after two years without meeting in person once.

Online dating is pretty common now adays, but being in a relationship online with someone across the world is not so common, especially a relationship that lasts. We only planned our first meeting together once we felt that our families were ready. For us family is everything, so we wanted it to go perfect.

Together we bought our plane tickets and planned to meet in Bali, a dream really. And there we were in the airport, our first meeting after two years of anticipation. Our meeting in Bali was nothing short of magical.

 And it surpassed our expectations with how perfect it actually was really.
We met in Bali in September of 2023 and have been physically together ever since.

Follow our full story here.

Spoonful of Chini

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Our Blog

As two wonderers and wanderers who found each other as long distance penpals, our shared love for writing letters, travel, and exploring different cultures, defines Spoonful of Chini.

Chini is a word in Hindi and many other languages that means sugar. And as Mary Poppins wished to help others who were left stuck and unmotivated to get the task done, we are here to motivate you with a spoonful of chini so that you can feel inspired to travel and get out to see the world.

As we were once two strangers from opposite ends of the world, living completely different lifestyles and cultures, we know that distance should never prevent you from finding the right person.

Our unique journey inspired us to offer advice and a connection for those also in long distance relationships or anyone seeking inspiration for travel, or anyone with a love for blended cultures.

Come along with us as we share stories and advice on multicultural discussions, long distance relationships, and the beauty of travel.

Everyone needs a bit of ‘chini’ in their life, a spoonful of sugar to sweeten the journey. Enjoy exploring our page!

Fun Fact #1

We started our relationship off as penpals!

Kind of like the movie You've Got Mail, we started off as penpals, writing long emails to each other, and moving on to texting and calling for hours on end. A very unlikely and spontaneous matching as neither of us even considered writing to anyone from our countries, India and America just weren't on the radar for either of us. We formed the best kind of friendship, that is ideal for any long term relationship nowadays. And that was it, a perfect match!

Fun Fact #2

Maeve is from USA and Kart is from India

Coming from America and India has given us a perfect combination of cultures as a couple hailing from two completely different countries. Maeve hates spicy food, and now she is destined to broaden her horizons everyday with her weak taste buds. Kart already knew English fluently with a flawless American accent, so much so that he could fool anyone, making him sound more American than Maeve half the time. Makes quite a pair, that's for sure.

Fun Fact #3

We're two INFP's with endless dreams and hopes

We're both INFP personalities, making us two dreamers with beautiful goals for the future. As for astrology: Kart is a Gemini and Maeve is an Aquarius. In Hindu astrology, we are a perfect match, a rare thing even within arranged marriages. We're both similar personalities but also complete polar opposites.