Strolling Through Aesthetic Parts of Paris: Day 5 Itinerary

day 5 strolling aesthetic parts of paris

Day 5 of our itinerary of strolling through aesthetic spots in Paris is to enjoy the underrated sights of Paris, and to relax in the beauty of it all.

No matter the length of your trip to Paris, get inspiration from this 5 day itinerary of Paris for strolling through the most aesthetic parts of the city.

I also want to encourage you to explore on your own. Use this itinerary as a guide, but go to what interests YOU.

Make your trip the most unique experience and stroll through Paris like you are actually part of it.

Now for today’s walking experience…Welcome to our last day of this 5 day itinerary of strolling through the most aesthetic parts of Paris! Today we will be walking through tranquil parts of the city to reflect on the beauty of Paris.

day 5 of strolling aesthetic spots in paris itinerary


Père Lachaise Cemetery
L’Atelier des Lumières
Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
Canal Saint Martin
Musée Carnavalet
Place des Vosges
Rue Crémieux
Le Train Bleu


Père Lachaise Cemetery

For our last day in Paris we will begin the day on a bit of a strange note. Maybe my personality is showing a bit too much here. But if you’re anything like me or if you’re at all interested in old stuff, you would probably also like to spend the morning in a beautiful old cemetery. Allow me to take you to one of the most iconic cemeteries of all time.

We begin our day on a morning walk through the tranquil setting of the Père Lachaise Cemetery. This cemetery is the most peaceful and beautiful place to take a stroll. Not only is it an absolutely beautiful cemetery, there are many notable and well known people buried there as well, such as the famous writer Oscar Wilde, well known singer Edith Piaf, classical composer Chopin, as well as Jim Morrison and many more. This cemetery is known for being the inspiration of the setting of Phantom of the Opera. It has also been a popular location for several films, one being my favorite scene from Holy Motors.

Père Lachaise Cemetery
Père Lachaise Cemetery

L’Atelier des Lumières

The next spot is just down the street from the cemetery, and that is L’Atelier des Lumières. Here you can admire art in a completely new perspective. You can enjoy art through the lights and color that come to life in these masterpieces as they move in an interactive experience.


Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

A lovely section of Paris which you can’t miss is Parc des Buttes-Chaumont. This is a beautiful park on the north east end of Paris. Here you’ll find some of the best views of Paris from the outer edges of the city center. Look for the Temple de la Sibylle, which is up on a steep hill overlooking the city. The view is amazing both in the Temple and from below it.

Canal Saint Martin

As you spend more time in Paris, you come upon the Seine quite often. Tt is the center of everything in Paris afterall. But I recommend spending some time on the smaller sections of the river, such as along Canal Saint Martin. A much more quiet and peaceful setting along the canal such as this is ideal for a relaxing afternoon in the north east end of Paris with beautiful bridge crossings and little boats passing by.

Musée Carnavalet

Another museum that is a must see is the Musée Carnavalet. This is the oldest museum in Paris that dates back to 1880, and holds collections of over 500,000 items from prehistoric to current history.

Place des Vosges

Just down the road from the museum is Place des Vosges, a little square park surrounded by beautiful old brick buildings. It is also one of the oldest squares in the city, an absolutely beautiful spot to be in Paris.


Rue Crémieux

The majority of the itinerary for today is to enjoy the underrated sights of Paris, and to relax in the beauty of it all. So our final two destinations are also perfect for admiring the beauty of Paris. Rue Crémieux is a small street on the east end of Paris. It is also a very popular spot for taking photos with the colorful homes and the aesthetic cobblestoned walkway. This little street is possibly the most colorful pathway in Paris. Truly a hidden gem in this beautiful old city.

Le Train Bleu

The end of our last day in Paris should be spent enjoying amazing food. Our last destination is Le Train Bleu, one the most stunning restaurants in Paris visually. It is on the pricier end, but it is an excellent place to finish the day off, as the food is amazing, as well as the beautiful architecture and history of the entire place itself. It is an enchanting dining experience that will not disappoint.

And that wraps up our 5 day itinerary for strolling through the most aesthetic spots in Paris. I hope you enjoyed these itineraries.

I also hope you create beautiful unique memories in Paris and I want to hear all about your experiences in Paris in the comments below.


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