Here is the ultimate guide for maintaining safe and healthy online long distance relationships. In this digital age, finding love online is not uncommon. It’s the easiest way to meet potential love interests and friends online, and almost everyone uses it.
But still most of us are unsure of where our trust lies online. All you hear is “don’t trust anyone online” “online relationships don’t work” and “online relationships aren’t real”.
Well, at least that’s what I’ve been told when entering an online long distance relationship.
It’s tough to work around these negative comments. You start to doubt yourself. Am I being naive? Am I making a fool of myself?
Well good, you do need to ask yourself these questions. There needs to be some doubt, because people are scammed online every single day, and you could be one of them.
However, if you are confident in your online relationship and you know that it is genuine, then don’t let anyone tell you that you are wrong.
Instead, look into these safety tips to make sure you continue to be safe with your online long distance relationship.
And if you are just starting out with your online partner, use this guide for navigating a flawless start to creating a safe online long distance relationship.
It is possible to find a real authentic and genuine love online. I’ve done it, and many others have too. Having faith in yourself and your partner is the only thing that will keep you together. Learn to fight for your relationship, as it has the potential to be the strongest relationship out there. So without further ado, here is the ultimate guide to navigating your safe online long distance relationship.
So many people are turned away by the idea of online dating. They could be afraid of what people will think of them for trusting someone online, or possibly they’ve had bad experiences with dating online previously. Whatever the reason may be, people don’t think very positively of online relationships.
Society knows there’s more cons than pros to an online long distance relationship, the main reason being the distance. Especially since not many want to actually maintain such a relationship for long term, and in the end they don’t take it as seriously as they say.
Secondly, you don’t know what this person is like in real life. You will only ever know what they tell you and what they make you believe.
It is necessary that you understand why these relationships are frowned upon in order to be confident in your own relationship. Until you understand the risks and how to be safe in an online long distance relationship, will you be able to reassure family and friends that you are not a victim of an online scammer.
So let’s get into why people might make you a victim in an online relationship.
People are scammed for many reasons, and it’s not always immediate. It could happen at any point of your relationship. Though this is not just a worry for online relationships. No matter what relationship you have, they could be lying to you for any number of reasons.
For an online long distance relationship however, there are three main reasons for why the relationship is a fraud.
The first reason might sound a bit odd. But it’s true in some instances, that a person is magnetized by someone online for just the fact that they are from another country, making them exotic. It’s attractive for a person to have unique qualities to them and they build up a false perfection from their partner. They get caught up in a fantasy. And then when they see the reality of the long distance relationship, they can simply just drop out. These people lose touch with reality because an online relationship is not real to them.
They don’t know this person in real life, so they can create a fantasy version of them in their head. In the end, they’re not in a real relationship with you and they will take zero responsibility if they leave unannounced.
The second reason is obvious. There are plenty of people online using the excuse of romance to get money out of others. There are some pretty wild stories out there of losing life savings over a fake partner after falling victim to trusting such a person. But even if you’re not naive with money, you could still be a potential victim to a scam like this. Know the signs and be a cautious person always before trusting anyone with money or sensitive information.
The third reason for scammers to take advantage of you in an online long distance relationship, is the fact that you are from a different country. They see you as a means of escaping their own country for various reasons. Marriage is the easiest way to immigrate to any country. And if you fall victim to such a person, you are offering them everything they’ve ever wanted. Yet they have zero interest in you.
You have to eventually be comfortable enough to share everything except sensitive information. Especially for online relationships you need to have boundaries.
Give it time and patience. Hold out on sensitive information that could potentially harm you until you’ve gained enough trust over half a year’s time at least.
It’s important to share your stories and your personality in order to make the relationship real. Open yourself up to them. And allow yourself to be your most authentic real self, all the while protecting yourself. It may seem like a thin line to walk on, but in order to know a person and have them know you, you have to be open with them. All in all, you must gain competency in your own efforts to navigate a safe online long distance relationship.
The fact that a person is from another country does not condemn them to being automatically harmful to you. You need to keep an open mind. After all, it’s up to you whether or not you see this person as trustworthy. It shouldn’t matter where they’re from. If they are open and honest with you, you can potentially have a strong sense of trust in this person.
Do not let stereotypes keep you from meeting new people. Open up your mind to understand that people don’t always fall under the stereotypes of where they come from. You might not trust everyone you come across, but you shouldn’t lack trust in people just because they are not from your own country.
Obviously there are still reasons to be skeptical. Think about all the reasons why this person is seeking you out. What do they want from you? Be attentive to their behavior and their language to know if their intentions are true to what they say.
When you are confident in your trust with this person, don’t let anything stop you.
Do not share your feelings with someone online until you’ve both given enough time, energy, and dedication for each other. You need to feel self assured that there is a mutual feeling of wanting to spend time together. You also need to feel confident in your own faith in this person.
Take a look at the list of red flags mentioned later in the article to know when to be skeptical. And build confidence in your safe online long distance relationship with the list of green flags I have provided at the end of the article.
The only way to avoid being catfished is to be skeptical until you see all of the evidence. Make sure you’re consistently video calling and sending plenty of photos and videos of your daily life.
It’s also important to get family involved. Interact with your partner’s family and allow your partner to interact with your family as well. Social media presence is also reassuring. It is not a requirement, but it’s definitely a plus.
What I really want you to understand is that your relationship is your own. No one else has the right to define it for you. If you’ve built yourself an online relationship with trust, dedication, and mutual intentions, it is your responsibility to keep the faith.
Take my advice to maintain a safe online long distance relationship, but don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t real. It’s up to you to determine that. Afterall, there are plenty of success stories out there, including my own. I wish you the best of luck in creating your own success story!
Maeve & Kart
We’re Maeve & Kart – an introverted American girl with a love for letters, flowers, and chai on one side, and an introverted extrovert nature enthusiast Indian boy with a sweet tooth on the other.
Get yourself a cup of tea and a spoonful of chini and settle in.
We write for all aspiring travelers, folks in long distance and multicultural relationships, and those kindred spirits out there looking for advice on life in India as a foreigner.
As an American/Indian couple, we are currently living together in India in a cross cultural relationship as a result of one of few successful long distance love stories.
Come along with us as we share stories and advice on multicultural discussions, long distance relationships, and the beauty of travel.
Maeve & Kart
We are Maeve and Kart – a long distance married couple from America and India.
To all kindred spirits out there trying to navigate a multicultural or a long distance relationship, you’re not alone. Learn from our own experiences of how we finally found each other from across the world and remain together living with a blend of both cultures and languages.
Get a cup of tea and a spoonful of chini and take in the advice from those who have successfully created a strong cross-cultural relationship from a distance.
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